李應生 发表于 2020-4-17 14:33:24


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Description of the video<br>
This video talks about the commonly encountered problem with the removal of the spiritual sculptures placing in residence. It also provides (1) the concept of places where the spirits of Bodhisattva and God/Goddess reside based on the dharma teaching, (2) the meaning of consecration (eye-opening) and (3) the processes to deal with the spiritual sculptures.<br>
The spirits of Bodhisattva and God/Goddess do not live in the sculptures in residence.
In the Dharma teaching, Bodhisattva and God/Goddess spirits reside in the triple realms. The triple realm includes the Realm of Desire, the Realm of Form and the Realm of Formlessness. Human and animals reside in the Realm of Desire. Beings who have attended the four deep mental concentration reside in the Realm of Desire while beings who have more refined meditation live in the Realm of Formlessness. <br>
Giving guidance for our life situation plays a vital role in the consecration (eye-opening) ritual. The opening of divine eyes is one of the commonly seen rituals in diffused religion. It provides a pathway for the aura of the Buddha, Bodhisattva and God/Goddess to manifest. The purpose of manifestation is to give us guidance for our life situation.<br>
Three processes are discussed to deal with the spiritual sculptures in the video. The first step is to purchase Shou-jin, which is spirit money. The second step is to conduct mental communication. The last step discusses the treatments of the sculptures based on the material, i.e. bronze or wood.<br>
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查看完整版本: 佛像如不再供養,該如何處理?中英文字幕版